Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Lifecafe Ultimate Asian Bowl copycat


Approx 2-3 servings

·         Kale - 2c chopped
·         Red cabbage - 3c shredded
·         Red onion – thinly sliced to taste
·         Carrot - 1c cooked (or raw) and sliced
·         Snow peas -1c cooked
·         Quinoa – 1c cooked
·         Brown rice – 1c cooked
·         Lentils – 1/2c cooked
·         Grilled chicken breast
·         Curry Vinaigrette (see below)

·         3 tbs white wine vinegar
·         1.5 tbs curry powder
·         2 tbs honey
·         ½ tsp salt
·         ½ tsp freshly ground black pepper
·         ¼ c EVOO